Sunday, December 25, 2016

"Narrative" in the news -- summary (alas, incomplete!) of news items pertaining to narrative, 10/10/16-12/9/16

Introducing a new blog for the New Year: "Keeping up with 'Narrative,'" the purpose of which is to explore the differences (some would say, non-existent) between telling a story and searching for/sharing truth (I won't say "the" truth). 

image from

"On-going media samples on the use of the word "narrative" - updated (January 2, 2017)

 "Narrative" in the news - (ca. 12/9/16 - 11/25/16)

 "Narrative" in the news - (ca. 11/15/16 - 11/9/16)

 "Narrative" in the news - (ca. 11/8/16 - 10/20/16)

 "Narrative" in the news - (ca. 10/29/16 - 10/10/16)

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