Monday, January 16, 2017

"Narrative" in the news - (1/16/17 - 1/10/17 )

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The below Google-search items are among quite a few on-going research notes, periodically updated and not in strict chronological order, for a planned article on the current use (overuse?) of the word "narrative" by the media, academe, government, and business (among other areas of human activity). The focus is on the United States, but not exclusively. 

 The planned article will cover the months November, December (2016), and January (2017). 

 The tentative title for the piece is "Three Months of Trying to Keep up with the So-called 'Narrative.' "

If interested, see other items in my new blog,
"Keeping up with Narrative"

Suggestions/ideas of course welcome -; 
for full/excerpted texts of some of the below, see.

Best for 2017!

John Brown (facebook entry) - Jan 16, 1017
2 mins
The non-scientifically-selected Winner of "I most used the word 'narrative'" in an article (among those pertaining to the subject for the past three months thus far) is ... Lee Siegel, Columbia Journalism Review (the word is repeated 17 times in his 1,746-word piece). 

Congratulations Lee! 
Journalists are masters of narrative. The language of journalism reflects this: You have to get the


 the web for interesting new contentsee also:…/narrative-on-going-…)
"narrative"January 16, 2017  
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